Bryan Catastrophic Injury Lawyer
Legal Advocacy for Severe Injuries in Texas
At Rhodes Humble LLP, we believe in doing whatever it takes to help clients process claims after catastrophic injury accidents. This commitment has allowed us to serve many clients’ unique needs during our many years in practice. If you or a loved one were seriously injured in an accident, do not hesitate to reach out to our law firm.
Contact us at (979) 459-9888 to speak with an accomplished legal professional during a consultation at Rhodes Humble LLP.
Catastrophic Accidents and Their Long-Term Health Effects
A catastrophic injury is an injury that gives rise to temporary or permanent disability or injury to a part or system of the body, such as an internal organ, the neuromuscular-skeletal system, brain, or spinal cord, for an extended time – typically more than one year. Catastrophic injuries involve more severe damage to the body versus “serious” injuries. Serious injuries are more moderate injuries that usually occur to the extremities, such as injuries to an arm or leg. In severe cases, serious injuries can degenerate and give rise to catastrophic injuries to the once-previously injured body parts.
There is no exhaustive list of what constitutes catastrophic injury since an accident that may only cause serious injury to one individual may cause a catastrophic injury to another.
That being said, in general, attribute these types of injuries to the most vulnerable parts or systems of the body:
- The head and brain
- The skull
- The upper or lower spine
- The vertebrae
- The skull
- The neck or cervical vertebrae
- The chest or rib cage
- The pelvis
- Internal organs
- The abdomen
- An arm or leg
- A hand or foot
- A joint, such as the shoulder or hip
Common Catastrophic Injury Accidents
Car Crashes
Serious injury may result from extreme collisions between automobiles or just one automobile and another driving object. Several catastrophic injuries are associated with car accidents, including spinal injuries, severe burns, fractures, brain damage, and paralysis.
Crane & Forklift Accidents
Cranes and forklifts are heavy pieces of machinery, and injuries can be life-threatening if they are not handled with care. Some injuries caused by a crane or forklift accident include broken bones, internal bleeding, organ damage, head injuries, and amputations.
Oil Field Accidents
Injuries on oil fields are unfortunately not rare. These worksites are often busy, and negligence can lead to unsafe conditions, resulting in serious injuries. Injuries that can result from an oil field accident include crush injuries, limb loss, toxic exposure, hearing loss, and much more.
Work Accidents
You can easily be injured in any workplace. A worker may collide with a vehicle at a construction site or fall from a high place. Whatever the case may be, several catastrophic injuries are related to workplace accidents, including brain injuries, fractures, paralysis, and more.
Slip and Fall Injuries
Some of the most common types of catastrophic slip and fall injuries include bone fractures, spinal cord injury, brain injury, and paralysis. These accidents are often the result of poor maintenance of premises and can happen inside or outside.
Explosions & Fires
Explosions and fires are traumatic and can be life-changing, especially for employees who work in places more vulnerable to such accidents. Catastrophic injuries that are associated with this event include traumatic brain injuries, vision, and hearing loss, fractures, internal organ damage, burns, and many more.
Aviation Accidents
Aviation accidents are rare but so dangerous. This is because the majority of these accidents lead to death or catastrophic injuries. Catastrophic injuries that result from this event include brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, multiple fractures, organ damage, and internal bleeding.
Get In Touch With Rhodes Humble LLP
We want to help you get the recovery you deserve, and we are ready to put our years of experience to work on your cases. Although filing a claim can never undo the damage done to you or your family, it may help you secure the funds you need to cover your expenses and give you some degree of security in ensuing years. We are here to help you get the compensation you are owed, and we have the experience and the tools to do so.
Turn to skilled catastrophic injury lawyers in Bryan at Rhodes Humble LLP. Call (979) 459-9888 or complete our online form to schedule a consultation.

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